This project is part of a video tutorial series that I have made that walks you through how to build a fun arcade space shooter using JavaScript and the Phaser 3 framework. 

How To Play

Currently, the game is only setup to support keyboard controls.

Keys Description
Arrow Keys (Left and Right) Moves the players ship back and forth.
SpacebarFires main weapon

Video Tutorial Series

Are you interested in learning how to build a game like this? If so, make sure you check out this free video series that goes through building the game from scratch on YouTube!

The full playlist for the series can be found here: Phaser 3 Game Tutorial - Space Shooter

Source Code

You can find the complete source code for the game on GitHub here: GitHub - Phaser 3 Space Shooter


This project would have not been possible without the use of some awesome assets created by some amazing artists! This project would not have been possible without the following people/resources:

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