New Feature - In game events, cutscenes, & story flags

Added a new feature to the Monster Tamer game: In game events, cutscenes, and story flags! 

The game has been updated with two in game events as an example:

  • When a new game is started, after the player starts moving, the Mom NPC will show up to notify the player that the professor is looking for them.
    • This will set a new story flag, and now when the player talks to other NPCs, some will have different dialog than before.
    • If you talk to the Mom NPC, she will no longer heal you and mention the professor again.
  • When you leave town, this will trigger the second event, and the professor will show up and give you your starting monster.
    • This will clear the previous story flag and add a new flag to the game.
    • Now, when you talk to the NPCS, their dialog will be back to the original message and your Mom NPC will heal you again.

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Version 11 54 days ago

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